Magna Park – DHL warehouse ref: 15/00919/FUL
Now subject to a judicial review
This planning application was first agreed by the HDC planning committee on Thursday 28th January. However following legal advice HDC decided to reconsider the application at a further meeting to be held on Wednesday 13th July at 6.30pm at Bruntingthorpe Proving Ground and Aerodrome. Sadly the planning committee once again agreed to this application – though by a very narrow margin of 6-5.
In early December dbSymmetry asked for a judicial review of the HDC decision to give the go ahead to the DHL warehouse. dbSymmetry claim that HDC did not give enough consideration to the impact that the DHL warehouse would have on the Bittesby Deserted Medieval Village. The court have now agreed that there is a need for a review and this will be heard in the High Court in May/June. We await the outcome with interest.
In the meantime we need to make sure that the next two planning applications are rejected.
To demonstrate your objection go to:
Magna Park “North” (15/01531/OUT)